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Special team
'water rescues'

The GTRD also wants to be optimally equipped for rescuing large animals from bodies of water, during floods, etc. For this reason, most of the large animal rescuers have completed the Rescue 3 SRT (Swift Water and Flood Rescue Technician) water rescue course and receive regular training in this area.


Water rescues are very complex, require a lot of special equipment and a lot of well-trained people. For this reason, in addition to its own team, the GTRD has set up a collaboration with external water rescuers so that enough specialists are available in an emergency.


These people can all be called up via the GTRD's operations control center.

Special team

'Longline MERS
air rescue'

The large animal rescuers with the longline training can be hitched to the longline by helicopter in rough terrain, flown directly to the accident animal and set down there.


The prerequisite is that the helicopter company involved is appropriately authorized and equipped.


Special team 'distance immobili-zation'

The GTRD with its anesthesia rifles is at your disposal wherever large animals that have escaped cannot be caught normally. Thanks to our head of training and zoo veterinarian Dr. Wolfgang Zenker we can fall back on many years of experience.


Do not hesitate to alert us.


Large animals

Zoo animals / exotic animals

Wild animals in gate keeping

Wildlife projects (emitters etc.)

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