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In the summer of 1997 we founded the GTRD®. We have seen many interesting events in the past few years and are very proud of what we have been able to achieve for the benefit of large animals in need.

But despite everything that has been achieved, there are still many things that we can and want to improve for the large animals!

Our THANKS go once again to our donors and patrons who secure and maintain the existence of the GTRD® organization and of course to our customers, the veterinarians and all of our trainers, who always trust us in an emergency.

We very much hope that we can count on your regular and generous support in the years to come!

The large animal rescue service CH / FL® works very closely with the equine clinic, the Vetsuisse faculty and the University of Zurich (Zurich Animal Hospital). Of course, we are also available to all other large animal clinics and large veterinarians!

If you have any questions about us or about our work, you can contact us at the following e-mail address:

We are happy to come by for interested clubs or groups and introduce our rescue service. Besides our information sheet, this is the only advertising we do, as we invest our money in building and maintaining the GTRD®! We would be happy to receive an inquiry from you.

For fire brigades and other interested rescue organizations, we offer joint exercises and courses on the rescue of large animals (see also under training for rescue organizations).

©2024 GTRD

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